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tag tig...

tag kali nieh dr belog kakak pu3
[x] I know how to make a pot of coffee.
[ ] I keep track of dates using a calendar.
[ ] I own more than one credit card.
[ ] I know how to change the oil in a car.
[x] I know how to do my own laundry.
[ ] I vote every election.
[x] I can cook for myself...
[ ] I think politics are exciting.
[ ] I balance my checkbook.
[x] My parents have better things to say than my friends.
Total: 4

[ ] I show up for school/college/work every day early.
[x] I always carry a pen in mypocket/purse.
[ ] I've never gotten a detention.
[x] I have never gotten completely trashed.
[ ] I have forgotten my own birthday at least once.
[x] I like to take walks by myself.
[ ] I've watched talk shows.
[x] I know what 'credibility' means without looking it up.
[ ]I drink coffee at least once a week.
Total: 4

[ ] I know how to do the dishes.
[x] I can count to 10 in another language.
[x] When I say I'm going to do something I do it...
[x] My parents trust me
[ ] I can mow the lawn.
[x] I can make adults laugh without being stupid.
[ ] I remember to water the plants.
[x] I study when I have to.
[x] I pay attention at school/college.
[x] I remember to feed my pets.
Total: 7

[x] I can spell 'experience' without looking it up
[x] I work out on a regular basis.
[x] I clean up my own mess.
[ ] The people at Starbucks know meby name.
[ ] My favorite kind of food is take out.
[x] I have gained weight since middle/high school.
[ ] The first thing I do when I wake up i get caffeine.
[x] I can go to the store without getting something I don't need.
[ ] I understand political jokes the first time they are said.
[x] I can type quickly.

[ ] I have realized that the weather forecast changes every hour.
[ ] My only friends are from my place of employment.
[ ] I have been to a tupperware party.
[ ] I have realized that no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job.
[ ] I have more bills than I can pay.
[ ] All my friends are older than I am.
[x] I can say no to staying out all night.
[x] I use the internet every day.
[x] My wardrobe hasn't changed in awhile.
[x] I can read a book and actually finish it...
Total: 4

Add up all the numbers and repost this as:
"My marriage age is 25"
da siap da...
skg berumur bape ye....
(gaya garu kpala...tgh piki umur...)
korg caye ke???


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