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once in a life time

Everyday I pray
to help me through the day to make myself stronger...
And I pray

So long I've waitin' for, my dream to come to life
Believed that faith would make them come true

And when I closed my eyes in my heart I knew
That someone was gonna answer my prayers...
somehow I knew

Beneath the stars at night I promise I would always try
And now I know it was worth the while

Although it's hard sometimes
you know that my love is always on your side
You can make it happen just believe

Once in a lifetime fly to the stars
There's no denying just believe in who you are
Once in a lifetime let me take you there
cause you don't have to feel all alone you know
I'll be there

Once In A Lifetime by Shihnwa


Akema said…
semoga esok lebih baek dr arini...
dan arini lebih bermakna dr semalam...
>>everyday i pray to make myself more stronger than yesterday...n i pray..

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